A track [/trɛk/] is used to transmit tensile forces such as rope, chain, belt. Expert track is a consulting format heading to transfer knowledge from non-industry researchers and consultants to leaders, teams and organizations. An Expert track in Leadership Dynamics provides innovation for leaders and organizations in tackling the challenges of multisided markets.
Regardless of whether it's a family business or a startup, those who want to be successful in the markets of the future need innovative organizational structures that can flexibly adapt new technologies. At the end of the day, however, it is people who bring in and apply the knowledge. The performance of a team or an organization basically depends on the members' abilities to talk to each other. In order to be prepared for the future challenges we combine research and coaching.
The biggest threat lurking in a busy workday is not having enough time to talk to colleagues, employees, and customers. The regular exchange with each other is the prerequisite for development and learning processes in organizations. Invest in creating communicative structures for teams and leaders! We establish communication formats that take the exchange within the organization to a whole new level. This also includes individual sessions for free speech, for example, to enable creative ideas and independent thinking, or to solve complex challenges. What ever the next innovation will look like it wouldn't get back to you unprepared then.
Once you are here we can immediately start working together. Be clear in what you expect from us. Why this? Why now? We all live our lives in relation to something that is missing. We must find out. Or at least start searching. We will guide you. Of course, you can also let the next generation solve the puzzle. We are ready to build up an expert track in 'Dynamics in Leadership and Organization' in your organization. It will serve you, your colleagues and clients as a resort for innovative thinking and solution finding. Make Intelligence a head start. Call us here +49 30 4209 4207